OK Guys, it's Story Time

POSTED ON: Thursday, April 5, 2012 @ 8:24 PM | 0 comments

Today was... Well... Kind of excellent. There were some bumps in the road, of course, but over all it was a good day, and I'm so grateful for that. I've needed a genuinely good day for a while, and as always, God provided! So, why was it a good day? Well, I believe I did well on two tests (Adv English and Government and Politics), and I managed to finish my photo project AND get extra credit, and I discovered that my school has a Campus Life chapter!!!

Campus Life is like a youth group for your school. I'm kind of depressed that I didn't find out about this earlier, but I joined their meeting today and they welcomed me warmly. And some of them seem really devoted to God and spreading His word. It was so refreshing to finally be around some fellow Christians at my school (since it's a magnet school most of our students are agnostic or atheists, with a few pagans thrown in. There are very few Christians).

One of the big things we discussed was how to share your testimony, and as usual whenever this subject came up people immediately began expressing their fears about not having an "interesting story." Most of their reasons were things such as "I grew up in church," "nothing bad happened to me," and "my life is just boring."

Now, I didn't grow up in church, and some badish things have happened to me, but I can tell those of you who are worried about not having an "interesting story" that most people don't. Most of the people you'll meet throughout your lives will have lived equally boring lives and been relatively happy. These are the people you share your testimony with. Those are the people you were made to connect to! Sure, you weren't abused as a child and God didn't save you from a terrible home, but that's OK. Because the person you meet could be the middle-class college student who goes home to visit his parents every Christmas.

God is perfect. And He is the one who saved you, meaning He is the one who gave you your testimony. Which is perfect. God gave you a testimony with the intention of you using it, no matter what it is. He can and will find a use for it. If you have live a blessed, uneventful life then use that as your testimony! Talk to people about how God has helped and blessed you, because you can relate to so many people that I couldn't.

With my testimony involving some abuse, some crazy religious confusion, and a bad relationship with a parent, I can't relate to the people who haven't experience something awful in their lives. But you can. Just like it would be easier for me to relate to a victim of abuse. Even though your testimony may not be "awe-inspiring" or like some bad soap opera, it is still relatable. And useful. And perfect. Trust in God to give you the story He needs you to have.


I mentioned all of this during the Campus Life meeting and I believe one girl got offended. But she did come up afterwards and thank me for coming and said she hoped I came back, which was nice. I really like these people. It makes me so sad that I only have a month and a half to get to know them.


On another random note, one day my future husband will come home to this:

Ending Prayer:
Lord, I pray that the people in Campus Life will realize that their stories, no matter how "boring" they are, have been made perfect because of you, and that they're not about making our lives seem interesting but about showing how your love has changed and blessed us. 
In Your name I pray, Amen

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Pass the Salt, Please

"Faith is a living and unshakable confidence. a belief in God so assured that a man would die a thousand deaths for its sake." Martin Luther

Prayer Requests

Please pray for me to know what God wants in regards to my beginning to study the things I learned about while I was wiccan once more, and pray that I can use that knowledge to further glorify God.

Worried About:

Whether or not I will get that job at UPS, and if I don't how I will be able to pay for college. I really hope that I do get it, and I'm praying that I will.